13 years ago I entered the blog-sphere. It was an exciting new world, before Instagram and the word Influencer even existed. I spent countless hours navigating this new untapped world. It allowed me to share my creativity with my friends and family and to capture precious life moments through my lens.
For me creativity is how I process and view the world. Blogging wasn’t a career option post college graduation. It was an outlet for creative people with an occasional paycheck from GoogleAds. Despite the fact that I woke up every day excited to create and share, I wanted something else, something more. All my friends would come over and talk about their work friends, lunch runs and office drama. They also could afford fancy dinners with lots of drink or their own apartments in SF or NY.
At the time, I wanted what they had. I wanted “work friends” and a consistent paycheck with benefits — or so I thought. I went on to to work for some of the most reputable brands in fashion and followed my dream of moving to New York City, but something always felt missing. I could never pin point it. It’s true what they say, with age comes wisdom. It took me years to realize what I actually wanted vs. what I thought I was supposed to want were very different. If there is one lesson stepping away from my site has taught me, is to always be your authentic self and follow your passion.
It’s been a while since I have “blogged” and truthfully the whole space has changed. It’s far more intimidating than it was 12 years ago. Mobile responsive, collaborations, brand partnerships and a million more websites and creatives have entered the space, but if I kept letting fear and doubt cloud my vision or my decision, would I really be learning from my lesson?
In truth, I have no clue what the future of this site holds for me, but one thing I have discovered in re-inventing my corner of the internet is the joy of sitting at my desk again being able to share life through my lens.
Hi Kailani,
Your Aunt Michelle sent me your website, I think it’s great! What initative you have, I wish you the best of luck in this and at UC San Diego. My daughter Kendall is one of Ally’s best friends, they go to school together, have known each other since kindergarten, and play on the same soccer team GO VELOCITY!
Take care!
love you girl, you the best
I love that you are from Danville too!!
I think your blog is great!!!